and Defining marriage as between one man and one woman is not taking away anyone's rights. The definition simply distinguishes a union that is biologically capable of producing its own children. Whether a married couple has children or not, I feel like this deserves a separate name--even the potential is kind of a miracle.
Actually this definition can be seen as the ultimate expression of equality our society has to offer: it takes one man and one woman. One could see a lesbian union as a marginalization of men, or a homosexual union as a marginalization of women.
Equality is especially important when it comes to raising children. Children deserve/need a father and a mother. Neither parent should be marginalized.
Yes, many children are already growing up in single-parent homes. Prop 8 should be a reminder to everyone that as a society we need to assist and strengthen families as much as possible. Really, as a society we should be most concerned with the success and health of our families.
thank you for your email & encouragement to get our support going! my blog is now updated with info to vote yes!!!! i hope things are going well your way!
momma of cute Dallin (six years old), Thad (three years old), and Nolan (1 year old)...currently back at HP working part-time...married to Evan for EIGHT! years, loving the bay area.
Currently I am:
...planning: fall dinner party?
...just read: How to Measure Your Life by Clayton Christensen for: Halloween costumes
...feeling: ready for cold weather!
...listening to: The Mormon Channel & Political updates
...hoping for: a backyard
Defining marriage as between one man and one woman is not taking away anyone's rights. The definition simply distinguishes a union that is biologically capable of producing its own children. Whether a married couple has children or not, I feel like this deserves a separate name--even the potential is kind of a miracle.
Actually this definition can be seen as the ultimate expression of equality our society has to offer: it takes one man and one woman. One could see a lesbian union as a marginalization of men, or a homosexual union as a marginalization of women.
Equality is especially important when it comes to raising children. Children deserve/need a father and a mother. Neither parent should be marginalized.
Yes, many children are already growing up in single-parent homes. Prop 8 should be a reminder to everyone that as a society we need to assist and strengthen families as much as possible. Really, as a society we should be most concerned with the success and health of our families.
thank you for your email & encouragement to get our support going! my blog is now updated with info to vote yes!!!! i hope things are going well your way!
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